How Your Mind Heals You
You can think you can, or can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct. These words, usually credited to Henry Ford, refers to the power of our mindset, and, the necessity of proceeding, through life, with a true, positive, can – do, attitude! When was the last time, you gave yourself, a thorough, introspective, objective, check – up, from the neck – up? The reality is, your overall happiness, self – confidence, and what you think of yourself, demands, your mind, consistently, heals you, rather than becomes your worst enemy! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, it’s so important.
1. Honest; honor/ honorable; healing; head/ heart; healthy; happy: If you can be, honest, with yourself, and you are willing to pay keen attention, in order to maximize your possibilities of being happy, and healthy, the overall impact, is usually, a healing one! When we feel we behave, consistently, in an honorable manner, and honor basic principles of humanity and caring, our potential for better health and well – being, is enhanced! Using the finest aspects of both, our logical and emotional components, in – unison, and proceeding with a head/ heart balance, is healing, and healthy!
2. Energy/ energize; emphasis; endurance; excellence; enhance: Whatever, we can do, which positively, energizes us, and provides us, with the degree of strengthening, energy, which adds to our overall endurance, we begin to place our emphasis, where it might give, is, our most benefit, and enhance our existence! Never accept good – enough, when it comes to your efforts, but demand the utmost degree of your personal excellence!
3. Attitude; assumptions; actions; attention; astute: Proceeding with a positive, can – do, attitude, but without unwarranted assumptions, we become far more capable of proceeding with actions, which pay keen attention, to our overall needs! Will you commit to proceeding, in the most astute, and beneficial manner?
4. Listen; learn; lessons: Instead of falsely, believing, you have all the answers, commit to effectively listening, and learning, from every conversation, and experience, in order to gain additional knowledge, expertise, judgment, and, hopefully, wisdom! If you can learn lessons, from everything you experience, you will usually, have a greater degree of self – confidence, etc!
5. Stronger; strengthens; solutions; system: If you commit to perceiving, conceiving, creating and implementing a personal system, which seeks viable personal solutions, which, focus on making you stronger, the process, generally, strengthens you, and enhances your existence!
How will you permit you mind, and mindset, join together, and emphasize, doing things which heals? Are you ready, willing, and able, to make this commitment?