The Electric Car Problem
In the United States and Europe, where the electric car push is most prominent, there has been the usual spiel that the earth is dying if we don’t pump trillions of dollars into the hands of politicians every year; because you know, they are the only ones that can magically clean air. Just like Covid, they are the only ones that can make the virus go away.
This article is not directed toward electric car manufacturers or any CEO/owner of an electric car company. It is solely directed to the once again complete incompetence of the politicians, the ones that are always squawking from the roof-tops in true chicken-little fashion. Their message is always the same; more money. Give us more money.
The intent of this article to bring to light the ever so inconvenient facts that surround the fairy tail, rainbow-thought politicians, the facts that they leave out of their public speeches about saving the planet from us. We are the bad guys, they are the good guys.
For this article, we set out to find some of those inconvenient truths from non other than…You. The end consumer. How would switching to an electric car effect you.
In the United States, an electric car is going to cost you anywhere from $35,095 for a Ford Escape Titanium Hybrid to $62,990 for a Tesla model 3. We didn’t dig into the details of add-ons, or any of the rest of the frills that make up a car price, we just simply wanted to know an average cost.
Compared to a Ford F-250 diesel, coming in at a whooping $90,080, it’s safe to say that the electric car is not that far out of place in today’s consumer market place.
As stated above, we wanted to know more about how this electric car push is/will effect you, the end consumer, so we went to social media to ask “how much do you pay for electricity?” The answers we received varied widely from $80 to $600 per month for the winter months, knowing that some parts of the country, where the desert heat averages 115F degrees daily, it’s safe to say that their electric bill is going to be considerably higher.
In the United States, the average two bedroom, two car garage household is supplied with a 100 AMP (12KW) service from the electric company. There are still a large number of homes that are only supplied with a 60 AMP (7.2KW) service. It’s worth noting here that the consumer has no choice in selecting a power company – unlike selecting an internet company or cable/satellite TV company – to supply their home. It should also be noted that it is “recommended” that an electric car owner have a 200 AMP (24KW) service to their home.
One manufacturer stats that you can “get away” with having a 60 AMP service to your home, but it’s going to take you a very long time to charge your car. If you don’t run your hair dryer, washing machine, electric stove, electric water heater, electric electric electric. Well, at least in the eyes of the fairy rainbow politician.
With all of this in mind, lets dig in to what it would cost to own an electric car.
First, in the United States, over half of the population has a “bad to good” credit rating. The numbers in themselves are more astounding than one might think, this is according to Experian credit services. The numbers break down like this.
There are 331,900,000 (331 million, 900 thousand) people in the United States.
16% = 53,104,000 people with bad credit
17% = 56,423,000 people with fair credit
21% = 69,699,000 people with good credit
With 50% of the population equaling 165,950,000 (165 million, 950 thousand). The people that fall into this 50% range are going to have a lot higher consumer interest rate for purchases, such as a car or a home improvement loan, with the average interest rate being around 8%.
With this simple math in mind, lets take a look at what you would pay for a car.
Now that we have some sobering math out of the way, lets assume – as a politician would – that you have made the decision to switch to an electric car. After selecting one and putting your name on the line for a five year commitment, you proudly drive home in your new car, only to discover that your electric bill is going to increase – by some estimates – four-to-six times what you are currently paying for electric. But the politician said save the planet, so you decide to sign on the dotted line once more to outfit your home with solar panels.
The numbers are going to break down to something like this.
As of January 2022, the average cost of solar in the United States is $2.77 per watt. That comes out to $69,250 for a 25-kilowatt system, with a 200amp service being 24kw. Your payment is going to be around $1,404.14 per month. The same is going to hold true for the car you just bought. $62,990 is going to cost you $1,277.21 per month. When added together, you’re going to pay $2,681.35 per month or $160,881.00 over the course of five years.
This, of course, does not include the cost of installation or any of the rest of the hidden cost that are going to be involved. And, if you live in a cold environment, you can expect to replace your car’s battery every two-to-three years at a cool $26,000.
Now lets assume that you just want to buy the car because you live in an apartment or you are not ready to sign on the dotted line for more than you are already over budget on your monthly expenses – as I’m sure most of the nation is already there, thanks to that atrocity they call a president. Apartment dwellers are going to have another issue all together – charging your car. Where? How much?, etc.
After getting home with your new car, you call a number of electricians for an estimate on how much it’s going to cost to convert your home’s electric feed from 100 to 200 AMP service (I’m going to guess it’s going to be around $3,000 or more) – because you’re busy and don’t have time to wait for your car to sit there charging for ten-plus hours (you can throw the number of “idle charging hours” into all of your calculations) – and this is of course if you even have a power pole that will support giving you 200 AMP service to your home.
But you’re saving the planet.
To wrap this all up, the current atrocity administration in the US is calling for all cars, semi trucks, etc to be be electric by 2035. Basically a dozen years from now.
Has anyone thought about what it is going to take to supply all the power needed for all of this fantastic electric?
First, you are going to have to generate a crap-load more than they already are. Currently, the United States generates 4,108 billion kilowatt hours. Now times that by eight. How exactly do they plan to do this. No coal. No nuclear. The wind turbines are a disaster at best from day one. Solar? Where do you plan to store trillions of watts of electricity on a daily basis?
This was a question that was posed by congressman Thomas Massie to the fruit-loop Pete Buttigieg, United States Secretary of Transportation. The responses were typical of a rainbow politician. The bottom line is that it would be impossible to have a power “grid” that could support the type of electricity needed to power an electric society.
Currently, there are 700,000 circuit miles of high tension power lines in the United States, with the voltage of those lines being 155,000 to 765,000 volts. What do you think is going to happen when 110,663,333 (110 million, 663 thousand, 333 or 3/4 of the current population) plugs their cars into power grid? The answer is obvious. Complete failure.
What is going to be the next step in a politicians mind. Limit power use. It’s already a problem. Just look at your power bill. You are being punished by higher rates if you use more than the first tier allows and told to stop all together if you consume to much. Unless of course you are a movie star that lectures the population about energy consumption while using $50,000 per month of electricity.
The bottom line is going to be this. Despite the rainbow fairy politician squawking about going green, do you think that if everyone in the US became energy independent from the ever dominating power generation monopoly, do you think they are going to let you slide? The answer is a resounding no. They will then charge you for being off grid. Several people have already faced this problem, being told that they cannot be off grid. And the politician? Of course they are not going to allow you to skip-out of being owned, ruled and regulated by a monopoly that provides substantial kick-backs for their pet inner-city projects.